Connecticut Housing Finance Authority (CHFA)
CHFA offers multiple resources for homeowners facing foreclosure, including the myHomeCT program and the EMAP program. These programs may provide financial assistance to help you avoid foreclosure. To see if you qualify, you should contact CHFA – (877) 894-4111.
Housing Counselors
Homeowners with mortgage problems should consider working with a housing counselor. Housing counselors are experienced professionals with access to resources helpful to homeowners. They are available at no cost throughout the state. The Connecticut Fair Housing Center provides expert assistance to housing counselors when complex issues arise in the course of their work. Contact information for housing counselors is available in our foreclosure guide “Represent Yourself in Foreclosure: A Guide for Connecticut Homeowners” and at the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority.
Connecticut Department of Banking’s Foreclosure Assistance Hotline
The Department of Banking runs a hotline for homeowners with questions about foreclosure. It is available Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. at (877) 472-8313. For more information and a compilation of resources available to homeowners, go to
Mortgage Crisis Job Training Program
Mortgage Crisis Job Training Program – Logo The state-funded Mortgage Crisis Job Training Program is a project of The WorkPlace, Inc., in partnership with the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority (CHFA) and Capital Workforce Partners. The Program helps homeowners increase their job skills and earning potential. It offers customized employment services, job training scholarships, financial literacy, and credit counseling. For information, call (866) 683-1682 or visit the WorkPlace’s website.
Beware of Foreclosure Rescue Scams! People in foreclosure are frequently targeted by “foreclosure rescue scams”. Be cautious of non-lawyers who ask you to pay a fee for counseling, loan modification, foreclosure prevention, or a “forensic audit” of your loan documents, whatever their promises or claims. Many out-of-state attorneys target Connecticut residents; you should never pay attorneys whom you do not meet. Contact the Department of Banking for more information at (877) 472-8313 or go to