Empowering students to share stories of housing equality and justice. 

We are thrilled to invite you and your students to participate in the “Fair Housing Film Fest: Voices for Equality,” a unique project aimed at shedding light on the significance of the Fair Housing Act and the ongoing struggle against housing discrimination.

Project Overview: Students will use the provided equipment to create a 5-7 minute video that explores the Fair Housing Act, highlights the damages caused by housing discrimination, and envisions a future where fair housing is a reality for all. These videos will be showcased in a special film festival during Fair Housing Month.

Event Highlights:

  • Kickoff Event: A virtual info session in January 2025
  • Submission Deadline: Films must be submitted by March 21st, 2025.
  • Film Festival Date: April 2025, we will have an in-person showcase of student films and will be awarding prizes.

Why Participate?

  • Educational Impact: Expand knowledge on civil rights and housing justice.
  • Creative Expression: Use film to express your vision for an equal future.
  • Cash Prizes: $500 for first place, $300 for second, $200 for third, and runner-up awards.

Participation Process:

  • Step 1: Sign up via the entry form here.
  • Step 2: Attend our kick-off event in January 2025.
  • Step 3: Research and brainstorm your film idea! Prompts will be provided to help guide your process.
  • Step 4: Produce your 5-7 minute video (guidance and resources available).
  • Step 5: Submit your film by March 21, 2025 with student entry forms attached!

Rules and Guidelines:

Open to ALL Connecticut High School students grades 9 through 12.

Entry Requirements:

  • All films must be original work done by the students submitting it.
  • Participants may enter as individuals or in teams of multiple students.
  • All participants must submit a completed entry form with the required signatures.
  • Original films must illustrate this year’s theme
  • Students and teachers must attend virtual kick-off event

Film Requirements:

  • Theme: Films must explore topics related to the Fair Housing Act, housing discrimination, civil rights, or envision a future where fair housing is a reality for all.
  • Prompts have been provided but students may submit other relating ideas prior to recording for approval.
  • Length: Films must be a minimum of 5 minutes, but no longer than 7 minutes, including credits.
  • Format: Submissions must be in MP4 or .MOV format.
  • Originality: All content (including video footage, music, and graphics) must be original or properly licensed. No copyrighted materials are allowed without permission.
  • Language: Films can be in multiple languages but must have English subtitles.

All submissions must contain the entry form and waiver and include: name, school name, grade, teacher name (if applicable), contact information including email, phone number, and address. Please upload entry forms into the portal on Google docs, the link will be provided at the kick-off event.

Equipment Use & Access:

Information on accessing filming equipment will be provided at our kick-off event!


  • 1st Place: $500
  • 2nd Place: $300
  • 3rd Place: $200
  • Runner-Ups: $100 each

Judging Criteria:

  • Details on the judging criteria, including:
  • Relevance to Theme (30%)
  • Creativity and Originality (25%)
  • Clarity and Structure (20%)
  • Technical Quality (15%)
  • Impact (10%)

Meet the Judges:

Coming soon!

The main contact for this project will be our Education & Outreach Coordinator Rashida Rattray-Reid. You can contact her via email here.